Steers Real Diference - Feed Their Flame

Feed Their

Every week, 10.2 million South Africans go hungry. And with the current socio-economic climate, this number is steadily rising. At Steers®, we want to make a real difference and do our part in eliminating hunger in South Africa. That’s why we’ve partnered with Rounda and FoodForward SA to help us identify and distribute funds that provide nutritious daily meals in underserviced communities and aim to alleviate poverty through education. It might not be easy but we believe that with your help, we can feed hungry tummies and help South Africans live their dreams, in order to alleviate poverty and end hunger.


Through our partnership with ROUNDA, we’ve been able to support organisations that work to combat hunger and alleviate poverty in South Africa. When you add R2 to your bill, the money goes to FoodForward SA, an organisation that identifies charities in need. With your support, we can continue to make a real difference in the lives of hungry South Africans.

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